Property:Has name

From SUWS-wiki

The name of a Member or other things that require a name. This uses the String datatype.

Showing 43 pages using this property.
Denis Nicole  +
Weikang Fan  +
Freddie Nash  +
George Brown  +
Giuseppe Buscemi  +
Graeme  +
Henry Kennedy  +
Jonas  +
Jonathan Stephens-Jones  +
Josh Curry  +
Julian  +
Kajetan Champlewski  +
Kajusz Dykiel  +
Kirk Martinez  +
Laurie Kirkcaldy  +
Malcolm Bell  +
Matt  +
Mike  +
Mohit Gupta  +
Morse  +
Murray Colpman  +
Neil Padley  +
Nicholas Wong  +
Nigel  +
PA Smith  +
Phil Crump  +
Phil Basford  +
Raphael Sikorski  +
Rasmus Valling  +
Rebecca  +
Ricardo Da Silva  +
Rob Gower  +
Russell Frost  +
Darren Richardson  +
Skyler Mansfield  +
Stephen De Bank  +
Tim  +
Tim Stallard  +
Tom Eccles  +
Tom Kelly  +
Tyler Ward  +
Will Webb  +
Milo Noblet  +