VHF NFD 2012

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Revision as of 18:04, 12 July 2012 by Morse (talk | contribs)

On the 7th/8th July 2012 we operated 2m SSB from A hill near Basingstoke in assistance of Basingstoke ARC.

The Plan was originally to operate 2m and 70cm for the full weekend, with Basingstoke ARC operating 6m and 4m for the contest periods during the day.

Planning Page: Outing:2012/07/07


We achieved 136 unique QSOs, with a cumulative total of 21,318 km.

One particular QSO of note was DK0ZB at 683km.

More stats will be posted once I have the log file.


Lessons Learnt =

  • Log '/P' on call signs when given.
  • Practice with the voice-recorder and rig before the contest, apparantly it was very quiet.
  • Bring Ketchup, Mayonnaise

For Muddy Conditions

  • forget the ground sheet, and use straw-bales instead. This saves constant in/out and shoes on/off.