QSL cards

From SUWS-wiki

QSL cards are sent as a method of confirming contacts via post.

QSL card inbox and outbox


QSL cards for the club are usually handled by the RSGB QSL bureau although some do arrive directly. The RSGB bureau has a set of stamped addressed envelopes from the club that are used to send cards back to us, each of these envelopes has a number which is used to track how many envelopes we have in stock.

Restocking envelopes at the bureau

When the envelopes at the RSGB are running low more envelopes need to be sent to top up the stock.

  • The largest numbered envelope sent to the RSGB is ...

Receiveing Cards from the bureau

When an envelope is full it will be sent to the club. The qsl cards should then be scanned and put on the word-press site and then placed into the SQL card folder.

Out box

After a QSL card is written it should be put into the QSL card outbox. At the end of each term (and the start of the summer term) the QSL cards should be posted to the bureau.

Postage rates and methods

The QSL cards are 3.25g each. We can either post 31 cards in a 24x16.5x0.5cm 2nd class letter for 0.65GBP. Or we can send 156 cards via a 2nd class large letter for 1.22GBP.